Men and their Toxicity - My Take.

Men have this inferiority complex that makes them assert they they rule the roost, run the pack, make the bunch and so forth, it has always been this whimsical ego that runs amuck and exposes the hypocrite he is. One simple logic we all men don’t understand is staying in control isn’t dominating or pushing yourself over others, especially women. Chivalry is a facade that most men wield to take stock of the person and prove they care but in reality they are just bigots at convenience. 

Humans are perhaps the only species on the face of this earth where men are so threatened and irrelevant that the entirety of the whole male female thing has been spun so well to fit his faint egoistical existence, the rakish man will fight it out to woo the chaste woman being the Prince Charming he is and she will slowly mould her life into his and breed for him and brood. Such is the narrative preached all across for a millennia. 

The boundaries set forth by men bounded women by cultural prejudices, tied them down by making her frail and fragile and most silly being she has to be chaste and passive, but with time women started to break these chains to cross the line and become her intended self, this started to destroy the dainty world of men. 

When men come across women like who have broken these shackles and see themselves as equals or perhaps logically more superior than them, some can’t handle it for their locker room talks are now more about likes of the strength of that woman than their immature bleating of who scored how many to who is packing what. 

I could have just put the message ‘women rock’ but that won’t satisfy my male ego, I have to say it and here it is, men don’t deserve independent and self made women because they have to learnt to give the space and respect for who she is and not by what they assume of her or what they want to think of her. 

For me women have to put all of us blind sided men in our place and show us that equality is not defined by gender but how you treat the other person devoid of all prejudices and norms; men have to break through this prejudice and trash the sexual differences sowed by bigots like Darwin. 

A rebuttal to those who still don't get it..

Being a woman is not that easy, try living under the microscope of the society and your own family once, having to self validate oneself against the odds stacked against being a woman needs some serious mental strength.

The logic that all men suddenly grow on them when they see a woman confident and strong is nothing but their insecurity and inferiority complex.

The first sign of a weak man is build up a narrative to pull down a woman he can't in another way compete with or can dominate is body shame her or bring in irrelevant anomalies that don't add up or make sense. Infact, I find it privileged to be in company of such woman who are full of themselves, full of ambition, desire to make their own destiny.