What Colour am i?
Lady Influences and Me (Part 1)

All the women in my life have contributed to or imparted some change in me with their direct and indirect influences. They include my mom, my sisters and my friends.
Right from my birth to the day now, my mom had had a greater influence on my personality and my understanding of life. She taught me everything that is me now, from mumbling the first ever word ‘mama’ to writing this blog. She taught me the civilised life with her honest, tolerant and caring presence. Her love and caring never eased and continues to grow with me. She is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being. I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.
My sisters too have had their significant influences on me. My elder sister and her dedication to the family taught me the importance of loving owns’ family and being loved back. My younger sister also played her part and still continues to with her money saving skills and her always there for me attitude. Though one is elder and the other younger they with me forever like a gift to my heart, a friend to my soul, a witness to my worst and best, like a shadow through my ups and downs sharing the joys and sorrow.
They stand unique to themselves and any other women I have come across. They are most beautiful and wonderful things to happen to me. Even as they stand north and south when it comes to their personalities they left an indelible impression and influenced my life in one of the most gorgeous and magnificent ways. They changed my perspective on women or I say my understanding of them with their mood swings, sweet talks, love and emotion and their attention to detail.
I am what i am today and without them am no one today, thank you ma for everything that i am and will be tomorrow.
The Glam Pam Effect I

Music - The most potent muse

For those who already know life can be cruel with puissant intimidation sparing none and there are no exceptions. But for some, music gives a risible approach and forces a twist which changes the perceptions of life. Songs that were heard start to map the incidents with intuitions, repercussions with regressions and regret with rejoice. And thus spoke ‘Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life’. So discover the phenomenonal complexity of music and the way it can positively influence your life.
Of balls and bollocks
The Down whiskey code: (Might not be as illustrious as The Da Vinci Code)
Coming back to the code

2) Never call women when drunk for you may not remember what you spoke and then brood over your unintentional commitments.
3) Never carry more money than the amount you consume for you may end-up paying more than you can digest in the morning.
4) Never pick up a lady after getting drunk for who knows how they actually look in the morning. (The Beer Google effect)
5) Never drink and drive for you may pass-out and meet with an accident so always drink while driving with this you may actually end up drunk by the time you reach home.
6) Never mix drinks without much knowledge for you may end up with a head weighing a ton.
7) Always carry contraceptives for who knows you might even end up humping anything that walks.
8) Always carry a compass or a map for you might be wondering where you are in the morning.
9) Never ever drink on empty stomach for that is the reason you end up putting extra kilos as you tend to drink more and eat much more after drinks.
10) Always be happy with what you get to drink for after consumption all have the same impact.
Sun block (SPF 50+)
The human emotion i say is like a paradoxical reaction with more to it than expected. The whimsical notions associated are quite capricious and may leave more than a stain when encountered.
Love gives warmth and shines on people who embrace it but did we ever wonder what would come off it when we explore it without limits! Well it gives a tan to the fortunate else a sun burn to the less fortunate. I always loved the song ‘sunscreen for everyone’ by Bazz Lurhmann and always wondered why would he use such a title for his song, well it makes a lot of sense - too much of love exposure either tans you or burns you and to avoid such we use a sunscreen (here it is an advice or lessons from experience).
I always pitied my friends and others who suffered the dreaded which i like to call ‘the Love lorn and torn either way’ syndrome. Anyways whenever i found such fools brooding over their tales i always thought ‘get a life dude/tte’ but once did i know i would find myself in the same pit like they.
The journey was amazing though, the thrills and the attached frills always made me want more (sometimes regretfully when curtailed). The fun filled days were like love candles (handles too thanx to the beer after breaking up) lighting up my days, nights and afternoons giving me the warmth of the other side which i never felt. For i say ‘A lovers love conjures all thee’, however being an Indian and born with that extra bit of melanin i was able to protect myself from getting severely burnt or hurt under the candles (and handles). My extra bit of melanin here was the love and understanding of my family and the involved, i just could pull it through.
The experience was more than exciting and ascertaining than i could have ever imagined or dreamed of for i analysed the pit and admired my craftsmanship for digging myself to such depths. The epitome of the emotions that are involved can only be blocked with a sun block along with the appropriate SPF levels. We Indians use less concentrated sunscreen thanks to the extra melinine and hence more prone to the extremes while the west who are lesser fools emotionally use a higher concentration. "Thus forth use a sunscreen and enjoy the heat no matter where you come from."