Forgotten Words..

Forgotten words are no comparisons to what I have stood to lose here today, myself. Expressing oneself to make another reciprocate (as you said) is not what you are reading now; these are pure emotions coming through a person who never was responding to yours.

I was lost leading a life like no other, a life without a direction or a meaning. I always mistook the passing time as just another passing cloud without knowing that even they can strike a lightening. I felt the jolt and am still recovering from it. All through these years there was never a phase in my life where I felt I was letting go of my life without realizing it. Days went by and without knowing years passed by. And I think a last grab of what is left would make me realize a better tomorrow.

I wandered with no serious commitment and thought am not made for such things, but then you came along and made me wonder its essence. Love to me was like an ecstasy’ a brief escape from life. But then you taught me it is an ecstasy of elevated sensation of sheer bliss. With such a great detail I wonder what my life would be with you.

This is no autobiography, but an attempt to let know of you that am a changing person and one change can inspire another.

Thank you for everything.