Ideal Man: There were times where woman could cook and ideally were great wives. These days She just pokes her food around the plate and hide things under her knife and claim to have a thousand intolerances and allergies
Ideal Woman: It is not that the women of these days have forgotten to cook or have stopped being that great wife it is just that they are not being noticed. There is always a work around and as said a little attention!!

Ideal Woman: We don’t need a “career” to feel validated. We don’t want to feel validated. And about babies, having to be pregnant for 9 months and then giving birth is more painful than getting your balls kicked. We can be pregnant again can you for another kick?
Ideal Woman: You guys have a checklist. High heels, perfect figure and whatnot and the list does'nt include the cooking abilities.
Ideal man: Proficient deployment of glamorous high heels is altitude slickness, an attitude. Short skirts are her independence and display her courage that she can carry herself around. Her cooking ability is immaterial as long as she delights in her food.
Ideal man: you guys prefer men with money and other luxuries.
Ideal woman: Money is a ‘self-made’ statement and is an ‘can take care of anything you need' attitude.
Rajesh R. Vaddiparthy: You bozos screw your idealism and the life spent trying to find ‘em. Having a checklist will get you nowhere. You will be foolishly harbouring a romantic ideal to be marooned with no one but yourself to live with.
And if you may just ask What’s wrong with high aspiration? Always remember to have high aspirations, moderate expectations and small needs.