My posts have been nothing but an out and out shout to the world about how difficult it is to be in a relationship and how impossible and difficult women are and how near to equal mission to mars is about winning her heart.
But on the contrary below are my opinions and experiences that i think are more than needed to make her yours and win her heart.
1) Be sensitive to her feelings and emotions and more importantly to her moods swings whether they be from a nail polish spill or a stained dress or from pre to post or during the menstrual cycle.
2) Always listen, try and open your ears to whatever she speaks and mind you women have the best of memories of conversations that happen or have happened.
3) Speak the truth, try your best to not lie. If you cannot but have to lie always make sure your lie sticks good. But eventually and very mysteriously women over the time can sniff your lie out of you and your skin. So always try to be honest even it means sleeping on the couch.
4) Support her, always be there to support her whenever she needs you and trust me you will be surprised to the extent she can go to keep you happy.
5) Understand her, try to understand and reason with her with the best of your abilities. They might not be right all the time but reasoning to help her understand your opinion is advisable rather walking away from the situation.
6) Correct her, never point a mistake of hers before family or friends. If you find her doing a mistake it does mean she is ignorant of the same. Women aren't like men they bend the rules but rarely do they break them.
7) Give her space, doesn't necessarily mean to ignore or avoid her but giving space to let her be herself. Women say they need space but unlike men they don't lurk in corners declaring it as their private space. They want you to be with them even if they demand for space.
8) Give her the independence, allow her to be and do whatever she feels comfortable doing. If she wants to be career oriented let her be, if she wants financial freedom allow her.
9) Do not compare her to your mother. Period and no matter what.
10) Do not be predictive, surprise her, get to do whatever it is to prove that you are not one of those run off the mill duds.
11) Remember dates, i know we suck at this but trust me remembering them will earn you more than you have bargained for.
12) Compliment her, the very essential ingredient for any successful relationship. Just know this whatever she is like and however she dresses or presents herself is only to please you and a honest compliment here there wont kill you.
13) Gifts, doesn't necessarily mean you have to splurge insane or considerable amounts to gift her. Most of the women believe in simple yet beautiful things. Give her gifts occasionally and trust me a single rose can also has the potential melt her.
14) Occasional outings, take her out occasionally else on weekends. it allows her to breathe from the daily busy life of hers and believe me it helps her heal emotionally and physically when she spends time alone with you. This also helps you to avoid confronting her during her mood off moments.
15) Cook for her, even if you cant cook a full course meal at least try to help her in the kitchen.
16) Give her priority, every women craves to be her mans number one priority.
17) Open yourself, discuss your problems, irrespective of what they are. trust me women are more sane and smart when solving problems.
18) Hang out with her, make her your beer buddy, or a sports company or a pillion rider or anything that you normally have your male friends for. Occasional hanging out with women is fun, trust me on this.
19) Get emotional, open up your emotions with her, cry to her and trust me no one you know except her can cry along. Women involve themselves emotionally more effectively than you can imagine.
20) Get romantic, flirt with her, tease her, play around, talk your heart, sing with her, dance with her, cuddle her, hug her, arrange for special dinners, or drives, surprise her and more importantly show her your love than mere saying you love her. Note actions speak louder than words.
End of the day men will be men and women vice versa but having to follow at least a couple from the above can help solve the assumed complexities of a relationship and more importantly break the different theories that women are complex beings and are difficult to understand.
Considering this as a manual for reference will take no where but to your grave, follow it and practice for a better you and a better her in building a better relationship.
Epilogue: A little emotional You, sensitive You and a sensible You is all what it takes to win her heart.
But on the contrary below are my opinions and experiences that i think are more than needed to make her yours and win her heart.

2) Always listen, try and open your ears to whatever she speaks and mind you women have the best of memories of conversations that happen or have happened.
3) Speak the truth, try your best to not lie. If you cannot but have to lie always make sure your lie sticks good. But eventually and very mysteriously women over the time can sniff your lie out of you and your skin. So always try to be honest even it means sleeping on the couch.
4) Support her, always be there to support her whenever she needs you and trust me you will be surprised to the extent she can go to keep you happy.
5) Understand her, try to understand and reason with her with the best of your abilities. They might not be right all the time but reasoning to help her understand your opinion is advisable rather walking away from the situation.
6) Correct her, never point a mistake of hers before family or friends. If you find her doing a mistake it does mean she is ignorant of the same. Women aren't like men they bend the rules but rarely do they break them.
7) Give her space, doesn't necessarily mean to ignore or avoid her but giving space to let her be herself. Women say they need space but unlike men they don't lurk in corners declaring it as their private space. They want you to be with them even if they demand for space.
8) Give her the independence, allow her to be and do whatever she feels comfortable doing. If she wants to be career oriented let her be, if she wants financial freedom allow her.
9) Do not compare her to your mother. Period and no matter what.
10) Do not be predictive, surprise her, get to do whatever it is to prove that you are not one of those run off the mill duds.
11) Remember dates, i know we suck at this but trust me remembering them will earn you more than you have bargained for.
12) Compliment her, the very essential ingredient for any successful relationship. Just know this whatever she is like and however she dresses or presents herself is only to please you and a honest compliment here there wont kill you.
13) Gifts, doesn't necessarily mean you have to splurge insane or considerable amounts to gift her. Most of the women believe in simple yet beautiful things. Give her gifts occasionally and trust me a single rose can also has the potential melt her.
14) Occasional outings, take her out occasionally else on weekends. it allows her to breathe from the daily busy life of hers and believe me it helps her heal emotionally and physically when she spends time alone with you. This also helps you to avoid confronting her during her mood off moments.
15) Cook for her, even if you cant cook a full course meal at least try to help her in the kitchen.
16) Give her priority, every women craves to be her mans number one priority.
17) Open yourself, discuss your problems, irrespective of what they are. trust me women are more sane and smart when solving problems.
18) Hang out with her, make her your beer buddy, or a sports company or a pillion rider or anything that you normally have your male friends for. Occasional hanging out with women is fun, trust me on this.
19) Get emotional, open up your emotions with her, cry to her and trust me no one you know except her can cry along. Women involve themselves emotionally more effectively than you can imagine.
20) Get romantic, flirt with her, tease her, play around, talk your heart, sing with her, dance with her, cuddle her, hug her, arrange for special dinners, or drives, surprise her and more importantly show her your love than mere saying you love her. Note actions speak louder than words.
End of the day men will be men and women vice versa but having to follow at least a couple from the above can help solve the assumed complexities of a relationship and more importantly break the different theories that women are complex beings and are difficult to understand.
Considering this as a manual for reference will take no where but to your grave, follow it and practice for a better you and a better her in building a better relationship.
Epilogue: A little emotional You, sensitive You and a sensible You is all what it takes to win her heart.
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