Men Vs. Women, anyone?

We all have often but carefully chose to tread the path that defines who we are as men and women, what we want from each other and what we understand of. To which some of us including me have found a profound liking to, a blame i take upon myself but let us have an honest retrospection on why we are made this way.

Men and women through ages have constantly criticized and ridiculed each other engaging in many maneuvers which have if not entirely resulted in exasperating people like me. So I refrain from commenting on any such representations carried through time but would like to refute the basis on which they are made.

So is it that men hate women and vice versa?

To start with let us understand what it is when people use statements like “women are a lot more complicated than men” a serious nonsense I say but I have my own take on it though. To all of such fools “Men are just as complicated” are we all not forgetting being fed statements such as “men are simplistic fools who exist to be told what to do, and women are the complex, entitled princesses of the universe” all through childhood. But seriously, why can’t there be an equal take on the both genders which is found missing in every sphere of our lives.

Anyways coming to arguments where we have men not trusting women and women not trusting men for whatever the reason they have found compelling, we should all know that opinions when put on debate can attract some disenfranchised people.

So you may get a few people who lurk in these places just wanting everyone to know how evil women are and also women with opinions vice versa. We should all remember that not everyone is a rocket scientist, and henceforth we will have some people who have a limited capacity for relationship success. By nature of their genetic disposition, their temperament and their upbringing they will choose people who may be similarly dysfunctional and start relationships. These will inevitably be problem ridden or unsuccessful. After repeated failures they will start to take aim at the whole opposite sex, expressing their disappointment at their own failures by blaming others and no matter what, we cannot talk them out of it.

So how complicated are we when it comes to understanding each other. Putting it simple “A man’s brain is like a waffle. Integrated squares, where there is a clear route from one idea to the next. A woman’s brain is like, (wait a second I love pasta) a bowl of spaghetti, one idea goes off into many tangents and there is no clear route or outcome”.

In a general perspective sitting myself outside of the men vs. women “war” the overriding impression I get is that both the men and women have simply given up on their respective opposites with never ending hounding and confusion prevailing among them for so many years. They are horribly lost by the endless, conflicting messages of expectations.

If not anything, let us first try and understand why it is that men hate women and the next? Exploring the few nuances some women seem to be dead-set on putting their men down, trying to change them, making them give-up on a few choices, take up new ones and so.

Women dominate emotional situations. Women know, are taught, and even study insipid ways of manipulating situations in their favour. For an example when women say “You never make me feel special”, or “You do not buy me presents or make me feel special at random” it does not mean that they never feel special, just that they don’t feel special now, and need to make absolutes to get what they want.

Women know the power and control they have and most of them love to abuse it (not just use it). Sometimes it is amazing to let your man take charge. Perhaps a guy would do more random special things if he felt like he was allowed to have his balls back and be a man.

Having said the above does not in anyways take the blame away from men. Men are hated for most of them are just as lazy as hell, major procrastinators; they do nothing but sit on the couch and watch the house crumble around them but simply won’t do anything.

Men are no lesser saints here, trying to assume the infused machoism and act insensitive or being ignorant of the basic emotional needs of the opposite sex. Their incapacitating tendencies of taking her for granted, assuming that now that she is his there is nothing to be done but sit back and enjoy the show.

With nothing more to but only reasons to all these clichés have men considered as subservient idiots who always forget important occasions and focus on sports or hobbies and while women are considered as always nagging domineering and manipulative ones who whilst just wanting to be cuddled, will decline a cuddle to say “you’re just doing that because I am upset”.

Having to said all of the above am but now let to the make below point of note
All of this might sound as having fun or is it that it is really riddled with anger towards the opposite sex, which  again I leave for the reader to ponder on. Men Vs. Women someone please.